Ch.254 Sharing Joy with Levi

Ch.254 Sharing Joy with Levi

May 2024

          I’ve kept up visiting the horses at Henchen Horse Haven since Lakota died. This evening, I packed up apples, soft biscuits, and apple wafers, and my collie Levi, and off we went. Forty minutes later we headed back home just at dusk; I decided to take some back roads, hoping we could see a few browsing deer. Levi took his position beside a back window while I drove slowly. Like most dogs, Levi has good eyesight only if something is moving. He relies on me to notice stationary animals, especially deer. I am his spotter.

          Levi vaguely understands the concept of pointing. If I say deer and point, Levi starts excitedly looking everywhere, knowing that there are deer out there that he should be able to see. If a deer makes even a slight movement, he sees that and focuses. Last night, though, they didn’t move for at least a minute – until one put his head down for a nibble. Levi was at instant attention, the hunter poised to strike. There wasn’t any traffic, so we were able to watch for about ten minutes, until first one deer and then the other ambled back into the woods.

          I felt the pure joy of a father giving his kid a special treat, as if I were taking my son to a baseball game where he gets a signed autograph from the local star player – and is given a cup of warm cocoa to boot. What a thrill, to see Levi locked in attention, hearing his whispered barks, imaging him saying “Dad, Dad, there they are. Deer!”

          Today happens to be Mother’s Day as I am writing. But to me yesterday was Father’s Day.

          So, did I tuck Levi in bed and kiss him good night? Not quite, but I did give him a nice chunk of liver sausage.