Ch.255 Sand Hill Crane Family

Ch.255 Sand Hill Crane Family

May 2024

          Levi, Blackie and I were taking our morning walk about 6:00 a.m. We passed the same field I wrote about a few weeks ago where I heard the sound of a goose’s flight. This time, though, I heard the ululating sound of a pair of cranes as they too circled the field and gracefully landed. That’s sweet, I thought; these cranes have nested by the nearby creek for years and it was nice seeing them again.

          I was starting to walk again when I thought I saw something farther away. I stared, dismissed it as just field grass waving in the wind, but then—no, there was movement out there. I saw four upraised necks a little above the ground. Skinny necks. Walking toward the cranes. I was watching an entire crane family! Mama and Dad apparently flew to the nearby field to encourage their chicks (also called “colts” because they can run within 24 hours of their hatching) to walk to them. And here they came; as they proceeded the parents began slowly walking toward them, as if they were agreeing to give their kids some relief.         

          I’m writing this chapter just two days after my brother Art died. I’d felt heavy since then, until watching the cranes. They’ve reminded me that there is so much to appreciate in this world. I feel blessed to be alive and well at age 80; I hope I can live another decade as did Art, who was able and thoughtful until near the end of his life.